Friday, June 8, 2007

The wonderful? wold of blogging.

I've finally caved! A new page to add to my addiction of online reality. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy the wold of quick comment, quirky pictures, and networking! It is time though, that I have a real life, honest to god blog. As a good friend of mine would say, I am contributing to the world's ever growing "internet consciousness". (so true!) There was a couple from England who's teenage daughter advertised a party on myspace. The party ended up being so large, professional cleaners had to be called in the next day. The father called it a "house rape". Every room in the house was trashed! Beds were burned, food and messages left on the walls. Although you have to take into consideration the responsibility of the parents allowing their teenager to have a party, It is still incredible how much response a posting on the internet can generate.
Here's to many happy blogs!


1 comment:

Kitten you're the Kicks said...

Blogging is the second best invention the first of course is myspace.sweet sweet myspace.