Sunday, August 26, 2007

WOW! Don't wanna be an American IDIOT!!!

I have come to realize that the world view of the "American" is ... as such...

but really...

Doesn't this sound more like YOU?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Quarter Centuries and Last Days

I love last days! Everyone is so nice and you get free lunch and chocolate cake! I really am glad to be starting at Saggio's again. Good people, good pizza, and better $ and bosses! I even get to keep my dental insurance for a while... SWEET Even more exciting ... I get to start school again in January. I've decided to do GIS (Geographic Information Systems) instead of AUTO CAD because it will be better experience for my planning passion! I'm happy this job is coming to an end, but sad to leave the fun people here. I'm afraid my myspace and blog will be worse for the ware.
Todd is now 25. That is correct... a quarter of a century old. The old fart pulled off his birthday very well! Actually it was more of a birthWEEK than a birthDAY. We went out on Wednesday for birthday dinner, Thursday for birthday beer, Friday was spent putting up birthday decorations for his SECOND birthday party! It is almost impossible to surprise this boy, but I think we did the best we could! What worked out the best, I think was having a decoybq! He thought that his party was a small bbq at his sisters until we blindfolded him and drove him to Chad's house for his REAL birthday party! Luck of the Irish Birthday bash was SO much fun! Everyone showed up, and there was much rejoicing... and drinking... and eating... and being very very merry happy!

Monday, August 6, 2007


Yes! Only 6 days left of working with the mega bitch! As my mother would say, "Praise JESUS!" I'm so excited to work at Saggios again, and why wouldn't I be? Better hours, better pay, faster work days, better co-workers, better bosses! I will miss a few people though! It was being introduced to the professional world, and it was nice to have educated and experienced people to talk to everyday. Too bad I was miserable! I'm so excited to go back to school in the spring! Hopefully the last two years have not completely rotted my brain away.

I had such a crazy, fun weekend!
Megan had a housewarming party! Drunken fun! Those crazy kids and their beer bongs! I think I had the WORST hangover of my LIFE the next day!

Todd's sister&hubby had a bbq the next day. I LOVE TODD'S FAMILY! I've been told you're family is who you make it, but I don't think I could make a family as great. They are so kind, and thoughtful, and supportive! I took a few blows from my own family at my brother's wedding... Don't get me wrong-my family are good people (excuse my english). But, they somehow don't understand propriety, and have a very difficult time understanding anyone who does not understand their strict Christian values. I suppose, in my family I'm a bit of a black sheep! Jen's friend who I like to call "Surley" really made me feel better about everything. I am a good person! Just because I didn't end up just like my parents doesn't mean that they have a right to look down on me (even if I am a bigger person... and can hold my tongue). Hopefully my example with speak the words to them that I cannot.

Fickin bedpans!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

More sudafed please!

Well, after my hope and longing for a part time (BETTER!) job, it looks like I won't be able to afford to quit till the end of the month... but alas... that's only the end of the month! My brother's wedding cost me a fortune! At least it was a vacation away from work!
Wedding Rundown:

Wed: We were picked up by my parents from the airport, had dinner with PIE!, and did a little bit of shopping at where else but WAL MART? We got to my parents house and relaxed for the evening. I got to see my groom-to-be brother's apartment. It's cute and has big closets... I don't think my brother will ever learn how to do dishes!

Thur: We set up camp at Interstate Park in St. Criox Falls, WI. My gramma let us use what she calls her "community car" all weekend. THANK YOU GRAMMA! We got back just in time for my mom and I to start prepping food for the wedding. I spent 4 hours cutting up fruit (3 watermelons and 13 cantaloup) with my aunt and mom. This is how my brother begins to owe me his soul!
We spent a little more time with my parents loading their trailer with stuff to bring to set up for the wedding reception (adding to the tab of the brother's soul!) ... then bought my brother some cervesas for his last night as a bachelor!
After a long day of work, we finally head to the campground. RELAXATION! Todd and I proceed to drink Leini's (a delicious WI beer!) After a few too many... I enjoy an hour of being a nudist, a loose the KEYS!

Fri: We wake up early to look for the keys... we finally give up and call the parents. Just as they are leaving to bring us a new set Todd finds the lost set and all is good again! Todd found the keys 100 feet from anywhere we thought we had been, so I blamed it on a raccoon!
Todd and I arrive just in time to pick up some food to bring to the reception and begin a hung over day of decorating. (a 9 hour day of decorating that is!) We set up tables, chairs, ate greasy Chinese, and everyone watched as we strung hundreds of yards of tool and christmas lights. TEAM LIGHTS!
OFF to the rehearsal! Everything went well and we ate some delicious "Mexican" food! I tried to show off and eat a jalapeno only to be shown up by Natasha's brother Alex who didn't shed a tear!
After the rehearsal we went to the Polk County Fair! Cows, cheese curds, truck pull, and tons 'o fun!
We headed back to the campground for our final night, made smores, and SLEPT IN!

Sat: Wedding day! I <3 playing dress up! The wedding was BIG! I saw so many people that I hadn't seen in YEARS! It was fun to see all of my cousins and my gramma and Grandpa. Hooray for family! The wedding was cute... my BABY brother is married!
The reception was fun. We ate lots of food! Todd, me, & some of my cousins had fun outside ;) ;). We decorated Luke's truck! Twas a blast! I really had fun with some lipstick... writing all over it! Then we went back in to dance the night away!

Sun: My feet hurt in the morning! We survived though, and went for gift opening at Natasha's parents house. After my Nambe gift was dubbed a "bed pan" we left to go hang out with my cousin Shari and her husband Jimmy. Good times!
We drove to Hudson to watch my friend Brandon play soft ball and hang out with friends! I already miss Brandon and Carrin!
I LOVE HUDSON! Todd and I found a restaurant with a patio overlooking the river and had some beer and cheese curds (HOORAY WISCONSIN!). We walked on the river walk and had a few more drinks at a fun bar we found on Main Street called Twisted.
We watched the softball game, and had a blast hanging out with Brandon, Carrin, and Dawn!

Monday: We left River Falls, and went back to my parents, but not with out stopping at <3<3<3Culver's<3<3<3 first. DELISH!
We did our final packing to leave and headed out with my parents. We stopped in St.Criox to develop pictures and have some ice cream... then we were off to the airport.

What a BUSY vacation! It felt more like 10 days than 5, but my little brother was successfully married off, and we had a fun, action packed trip!